Wednesday, July 17, 2013

June 17, 2007- Big Horn 30K... "Survivor"

There won't be a wake for me this month. I'm currently writing this in a Holiday Inn in Sheridan, WY after the Big Horn 30km (18.64 miles) trail run. I figured I would drop you all a line since some of you wanted to know how it went. The weather was great and it was a lot of fun. On the hour long bus ride from Dayton (finish line) to the start in the middle of nowhere, up a giant mountain, we spent the first half of the trip in a thick fog. After about half an hour, we got above the fog, and as we looked down the mountain, it was a thick cloud bank for miles in every direction except up at us.
The actual race was wonderful, with great weather and a cool breeze.? At the highest points, we were above the clouds, and at the lowest points, we were running beneath them. Like last year, the aid stations were completely stocked with sandwiches, candy, water, energy gels, wraps, shrimp, soda, beer, and a whole myriad of other things you wouldn't expect to be fed in the middle of a race. There were tons of water crossings and giant, deep mud puddles during the race from the recent rains, making it very slick. It was a long, technical, fairly difficult run, but it all worked out. My goal
was to break 4 hours this year. I beat last year's time by 25 minutes and my goal by 4 minutes with a 3 hour, 56 minutes, and 20 seconds run. I felt very good, and didn't crash this time (last year, I bonked at the 2nd to last aid station, leading to the longest, most painful 5 miles I've ever ran.). I'm also feeling better than last year, as I'm not sore yet (emphasis on yet.). However, I'm looking forward to being home and just resting now.

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