Thursday, July 11, 2013


I know, great title.... I've always prided myself on my creativity and originality.  Anyways, yes- this is my first post on the blog! I've been wanting to create one of these for a while, but I've never actually sat down to do it until tonight.

Good news for those of you who see me elsewhere on the Interwebs: this will not just be another place for my usual drivel- you get enough of that bullshit on Facebook. I may go off topic once in a while, but this will be 95% about running or race reports. I (occasionally) enjoy writing reports after races, and this has to be a better place for those thoughts than FB notes or emails. Besides, even us guys who only move 3-4mph occasionally come back with good stories, right? With me trying to get going and do more events, I figure that this will be as good of a time as any to finally start the blog up.

To those who just stumbled here and have no idea who the hell I am, I'm Tom. I'm from Wyoming and work in IT. I've ran for almost 10 years, though the last 4 have been pretty sketchy ever since having a pretty good injury in 2009. But I'm moving again in a semi-consistent fashion and looking forward to finding me fun/ stupid events to get back into.

Finish line of Antelope Dash 2011, Laramie, WY

I got into trail running 7 years ago and it's probably the sole reason I'm still trying to run. I'm an insanely competitive S.O.B. who was never fast enough to be good a road racing. This was a point of serious frustration to the point where I nearly quit running altogether. I found trail running and trail races, and not only was it more fun, but it was a "healthier" way to channel my competitive urges- unless you're one of the elite guys, trail racing isn't about trying to get across the finish line first; it's about who can cross the finish line at all. I have a soft spot in my heart for events that no sane person does (see reports for Twin Mountain Trudge), and look forward to being able to do more of those "fun" activities.

So yeah, that's pretty much all I got right now. As I have time, I'll work on adding some of my older race reports over so they're available for viewing!

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