Sunday, June 1, 2014

It's almost time....

It finally hit me today... Bighorn is this month. 20 days. 3 weeks. There are 50% more miles in the race than there are days until the race. I've been wanting to complete the Bighorn 50k for a long time. I've signed up 4 times before with no success. I dropped down to the 30K twice and I just didn't show up the other two times. Twice was because I hurt myself and couldn't train. The other two times were because I was a bum and didn't train.

Now here we are. I wish I had a little more time to get ready, but it is what it is. Considering that I approached my friend about helping me with a training schedule in December, and had no training under my belt at the time, we did good. Got me a base, and got my mileage as high as we could without being completely reckless. I could have been more consistent, but I always made sure I at least got the "important" runs in.

I've nervous. A lot more of this race is going to be about mental toughness and pushing through than I would like, but I'll get there. Unrealistically, I would like to make it to the dirt road before my body melts down on me. It's 6 miles of long, hot road, but I figure that it'll be easier to push through that than the trails. But I know that's not realistic... my longest run will only be 17-18 miles, and that plan would require me to make it to the marathon mark of the 50K before having any problems. After today's run, I'm now hoping that I can make it more than halfway before my body starts calling me horrible names.

But I will make it. I will finish. I may not be happy in the miles leading up to that glorious sight in Scott Bicentennial Park. But I will get there. I'll likely spend the next 20 days stressing out, but I've done too much and come too far to not make it.

Captain Ahab has to go hunt his whale.

Bighorn 30k 2009. Time to get it done.

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